Trails and Aspen

Aspen was a two-year-old adventure pup when I started this blog with the goal to share our dog-friendly trips. Aspen is now a senior pup and still traveling and hiking, unfortunately documenting our trips on this blog doesn’t make the priority list these days. It makes me smile though when someone is planning a trip and stumbles on an old post that provides a little insight.

Happy Trails.

5 responses to “Trails and Aspen

  1. Just found your blog and will be a frequent visitor! I adopted a young GSD last December and have been taking her into the mountains, backpacking and camping, since early spring, after training her up to carrying a pack, etc. (We hike nearly every day around the East Bay, where we live, for regular exercise and conditioning.) Always looking for dog-friendly trips in the Sierras, so your site will be a great resource.

  2. Hi Marianne, so glad you found Aspen and me! Dogs make the best hiking partners. If you find any dog-friendly must-visit hikes, I’d love to hear about them!

  3. Hi there! I’ve been following your posts here and there for the past couple of years. I, too, am a Californian who loves adventures with her pup. I’m always curious: what’s your day job? Do you take Aspen to work with you? And does your job allow you lots of time off? Would love to hear how you’re able to have so many inspiring adventures! We get out as much as possible on weekends, but during the week, we just take short walks before and after work. I’m always wondering how other adventurous dog-owners do it. Thanks for your blog! Georgina

    • Hi Georgina! Thanks for reaching out, always good to hear from fellow dog moms. I work for a non-profit where I’m lucky enough to work 4-10s, plus vacation time. This allows for weekend adventures, with a few longer road trips mixed in. Things have been really busy lately though and we had to choose between getting Aspen outside or documenting our adventures. We chose getting outside, which is why it’s January and I just posted about our September trip. Aspen doesn’t get to come to work with me, but she’d probably find all the computer time boring anyway. So she gets walks and jogs before and after work like your pup. As long as their tail is wagging, I think we’re doing a good job!

      • Okay, well that’s actually good to hear, because it inspires me to do more. If you and Aspen can manage lots of outdoor activity while working full-time, then so can my pup and I. Yes, keep sharing. I love checking your posts now and then to get ideas for dog-friendly road trips and outings along the West coast and in the Sierra. Next up for me: finding other canine-human duos to adventure with. I’m thinking of starting a Meetup in my area, but if you happen to know of any other groups already established, please share. Thanks for replying. Have fun on your next trip!

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